Information in this help file pertains to: eventedit.dat

What is a display string?

A display string is a 'template' made up of plain text and field tokens. Into these field tokens an event's field values are inserted on-the-fly as the string is displayed. Display strings are used in many places: while rendering events and tasks (documented in this help file), while rendering headers and footers (documented in the replacement strings help file), while setting field defaults for new events and contacts (see customize event database) and while rendering contact list items (see below).

Event display strings

The full power of display strings becomes apparent when you start customizing them. For events, you accomplish this by editing a configuration file called eventedit.dat in each calendar's folder. Display strings are stored under the [DISPLAY_STR] section of the file.

Using display strings

Display strings consist of three parts: clear text, optional text and field tokens.

Field tokens must exist inside of squiggle brackets {} and must correspond to one of the recognized field names. There can be no spaces or other characters between the squiggles and the token name. For example {SUBJECT} is a valid field token, {text SUBJECT} is not.

The {fieldToken} must exist inside of square brackets []. Optional text may appear on either side of the {fieldToken} but inside of the square brackets. Optional text is displayed only if the value of the field is non-empty. Optional text, as the name implies, need not exist. The square brackets must exist.

Clear text may exist outside of the square brackets on either side. Clear text need not exist. Clear text is copied directly to the display if present.

A simple example

As an example, the display string:

	Clear [ Optional {CATEGORY} Optional ]  Clear

would render as 'Clear Optional Finance Optional Clear' if the category field evaluates to the value 'Finance'. If the category field is empty the string would render as 'Clear Clear' (text inside the square bracket is not rendered if the field value is empty).

Prompt tokens

Notwithstanding the paragraph above you may insert the text 'p:' immediately after the opening squiggle and just prior to the field name to turn the token into a prompt token.

A regular token is resolved to the value of the field. A prompt token is resolved to the name of the field. For example the token {SUBJECT} evaluates to the value of the subject field (perhaps 'This is the subject') whereas the token {p:SUBJECT} evaluates to the prompt for the field (perhaps the word 'Subject').

This capability provides a mechanism to handle the fact that you may have customized the name of a field under the customize event database dialog.

An extended example

A display string such as this
     <table border=1>


would render as this

if category has been renamed to 'Type' and the event's category evaluates to 'Finance' and as this

if the category field is empty.

Details of display strings

Below we detail (with little fanfare) the actual display strings used for events. All event related display strings are stored in the file eventedit.dat under a section called [DISPLAY_STR]. Each calendar has its own set of display strings so if you customize these you must do so for each calendar. Generally - users customizing these strings will have previously been in touch with us so please do not hesitate to call or email with questions.

Important: Display strings must be stored on a single line in the configuration file. In other words the display string may not contain a new line.

The first group of display strings applies to the general calendar display:

The next group of display strings is used while reviewing events:

These display strings are used while sending email notifications:

The few remaining display strings are presented here:

Contact list display strings

The contact list may be customized in much the same way as events however in current versions of the software this feature is not documented. If you need help customizing this feature please contact our technical support and we will be pleased to help.