Scheduler: FACSAria II (BSL-2) (405/488/561/640) MCRB 695

Contact UFCR or 4-7680.

UFCR Billboard: Please check your SPAM folder for reservation confirmations. Look here for important notices regarding this instrument


  July 2021  
  S Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri S
27 28 29 30 1 2 3
10:30a Hackel-Tse-Han/Suvam; 70um (AF647, AF488)

9:00a Hippen_Bailey 85um aseptic (CD127 PE, CD38 PerCPcy5.5, CD45RA BV421, CD25 BV605, CD4 APC)
10:30a Igarashi-Annie; 85um (tdTomato, Near IR)
11:30a Break
12:00p Hackel-Tse-Han; 70um (GFP, AF647)
9:30a Hackel-Suvam 70um (AF488, AF647)
2:00p Break
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10:00a No sorting-University holiday

10:00a No sorting Check CCRB for availability
11:00a Hackel-Tse Han, 100um aseptic (GFP)
10:00a No sorting; check CCRB and MRF for availability
11:00a Rivera-Tahmina ; 100um (PI)
2:00p Sachs-Marie; 70um aseptic (EF450, CD34APC, CD38FITC, CD36PE, CD69 BV786, human lineage AF700)
9:00a Cichocki-Chengying; aseptic 70um (FITC)
12:30p Blazar-Sara; 85um aseptic (CD4-BV421, Live dye APC-ef780, CD25-PE,FoxP3-GFP)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
11:30a Hackel-Suvam 70um (AF488, AF647)

10:00a Azarin-Harish; aseptic 100um (mCherry, mVenus, mTurquoise)
1:00p Lunch break
2:30p Hackel-Greg, 70um (GFP)
10:00a Blazar-Suji 85um Aseptic (CD4 - BV711, ICOS - BV785, CXCR5 - PE, GITR - BV421, FVD - APC/ef780, CD19 - APC)
10:00a No sorting; check CCRB and MRF for availability
11:00a Igarashi_Annie 85um tdtomato LDNIR
10:30a Hackel-Suvam 70um (AF488, AF647)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
10:00a Blaza-Suji; 85um aseptic (BV421,BV711, BV785 PE, APC, APCeF780)

9:00a Hippen-Kyle; 85um aseptic (BV421, BV605, PE, PerCP-Cy5.5, APC)
9:00a Gordon-Jason; aseptic; 100um (eFluor 780, GFP)
10:00a No sorting; check CCRB and MRF for availability
11:00a Mulia-Silvia; 100um (PI)
9:30a Hackel-Suvam 70um (AF488, AF647)
3:00p Hackel-Daniel 70um (AF488,AF647)
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
11:00a Rivera-Mulia_Tahmina, 100um (PI)
2:30p Break
3:00p Rivera-Mulia_Silvia; 100um (PI)
10:00a Hackel-Tse Han; aseptic 100um (GFP)

9:30a Cichocki-Bin, 70um (BV786,PE-CY7,FITC,AF647)
9:00a Blazar-Suji; 85um aseptic (APC-ef780, BV711, PE, BV785, BV421)
1:00p Break
1:30p Blazar-Suji; 85um aseptic (APC-ef780, BV711, PE, BV785, BV421)
9:30a Cichocki-Bin, 70um (BV786,PE-CY7,FITC,AF647)
1:00p Break
1:30p Cichocki-Bin, 70um (BV786,PE-CY7,FITC,AF647)