Scheduler: FACSAria II (BSL-2) (405/488/561/640) MCRB 695

Contact UFCR or 4-7680.

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Date/Time  Sort Duration  Sort Event Info  Sort Aseptic  Sort Nozzle Change  Sort Plates  Sort Nozzle Size  Sorted By Notes  Sort Customer Name  Sort Customer Email  Sort Customer Phone  Sort Owner  Sort
Sep 5, 12:10p-3:30p 3h 20m Venteicher-Danielle 100um aseptic (GFP,mCherry, LD Near-IR) Yes Yes No 100 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 1PM.; sort started at 1:10PM. corestaff
Sep 23, 12p-5p 5h Venteicher-Danielle 100um aseptic (,mCherry, LD Near-IR) Yes Yes No 100 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 1PM. corestaff
Sep 26, 3p-5p 2h Miller-Terran 100um aseptic (APC) Yes Yes No 100 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 4PM. corestaff
Sep 9, 9:30a-12:30p 3h Wood-Luna; 100um aseptic (GFP) Yes Yes No 100 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 10AM. corestaff
Sep 30, 10a-12p 2h Wood-Luna; 100um aseptic (GFP) Yes Yes No 100 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 11AM. corestaff
Sep 3, 11a-5p 6h Blazar-Jemma 70um aseptic (PE, PerCP-Cy5.5, APC, BV421, BV605, BV711) Yes Yes No 70 Sort starts at 12PM corestaff
Sep 17, 11a-5p 6h Blazar-Jemma; 100um aseptic (PE, PerCP-Cy5-5, APC, BV421, BV711, BV605) Yes Yes No 70 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 12PM. corestaff
Sep 20, 2:30p-5:30p 3h Hackel-Tse Han; 70um (FITC, AF647) No Yes No 70 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 3PM. corestaff
Sep 2, 10a-5p 7h No sorting-University holiday Yes Yes No 70 corestaff
Sep 25, 10a-5p 7h No sorting; check CCRB and MRF for availability Yes Yes No 70 corestaff
Sep 10, 10a-4p 6h Blazar-Jemma; 70um aseptic (BV421, APC-ef780, PE, GFP) Yes Yes No 85 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 11AM. corestaff
Sep 4, 10a-4p 6h Blazar-Pooja; 85um aseptic (BV711 PE,FITC, eF780,) Yes Yes No 85 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 11AM. corestaff
Sep 13, 10:30a-5p 6h 30m Blazar-Yiyun; 85um aseptic (BV711 PE,FITC, eF780,) Yes Yes No 85 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 11:30AM. corestaff
Sep 24, 9a-5p 8h Hippen-Magda; 85um aseptic (BV421, BV605, PE, PerCP-Cy5.5, APC) Yes Yes No 85 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 10AM. corestaff
Sep 12, 11a-2p 3h Yamamoto-Brett; 85um aseptic (PE, BV510) Yes Yes No 85 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 12PM. corestaff
Sep 26, 11:30a-3p 3h 30m Adams-Emma; 85um aseptic (CD14-BB700, CD33-PE, HLA-DR-APC-Cy7) No Yes No 85 Please drop the samples and single stained controls at 12PM. corestaff
Sep 11, 12:30p-2p 1h 30m Czyzyk-Yury, 85um (AF488, 7AAD) No Yes No 85 Sort starts at 1PM corestaff

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